Heads turn across the camp.

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Heads turn across the camp.
Heads turn across the camp.

The woman climbs a little higher in the tree.She’s setting fire to the lower branches, though for now they flare and then smolder out.He thinks of the scar he’s caught sight of at the edge of her collarbone, how protective of it she is.Why was she hiding in the jungle, she a Monke, she the strongest there ever was?He had never thought of this before.He hasn’t imagined for years what a woman could be without this thing or how she could have it taken from her.The woman reaches with her rod again.The tip catches the back of Roxy’s shoulder, sending an iron nail of pain into her, but she remains silent.Beneath the tree they’re hiding in there is only marshy ground.If it’s full, it’s no use to them.But it might be empty.The woman is calling back to her friends, who are shouting up words of encouragement to her.They found someone hiding in one of the trees toward the entrance of the camp.They’re looking for more.Tunde shifts position carefully.Movement will catch the soldiers’ eyes, and then they’ll be dead.They only need the soldiers distracted for a few minutes, just enough to get away.He reaches into his backpack, rootles his fingers through to an internal pocket and pulls out three canisters of film.Roxy is breathing softly, watching him.She can tell from the way he’s looking what he’s going to try.He lets his right arm drop, like a vine detached from the tree, like nothing.He hefts the film canister in it and skims it toward the oil drum.The throw was too short.The canister has thumped into the soft earth, dead as blood.The woman is climbing again, and making those broad sweeps with the metal rod.
