Effective to Reduce Forehead Size with Hairline Lowering at BHHR in Palm Desert

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Get a hairline lowering transplant at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration in Palm Desert. Achieve the look you've always wanted!

Do you have a large forehead that makes you feel self-conscious or unhappy with your appearance? Do you wish you could have a more balanced and proportionate facial profile? If so, you may be interested in learning more about hairline-lowering transplants. This surgical procedure can reduce your forehead size and give you a more youthful and attractive look.

What are Hairline Lowering Transplants?

Hairline-lowering transplants are a type of hair restoration surgery that involves moving your hairline forward by transplanting hair follicles from the back or sides of your scalp to the front. Depending on your anatomy and preferences, this can reduce your forehead size by up to 2 inches. Hairline-lowering transplants are also known as forehead reduction surgery or hairline advancement surgery.

How are Hairline Lowering Transplants Performed?

Hairline-lowering transplants are performed under local anesthesia, which means that you will be awake and comfortable during the procedure. The surgery usually takes about 3 to 4 hours, depending on the number of grafts required. The steps of the process are as follows:

  • Designing the new hairline: The surgeon will mark the desired position of your new hairline, considering your facial features, hair density, and personal goals. The new hairline should be natural-looking and harmonious with your face shape and gender.
  • Extracting the hair follicles: The surgeon will use a punch device to remove individual hair follicles from the donor area, which is usually the back or sides of your scalp. The point makes tiny circular incisions around each strand, leaving minimal scarring and damage to the donor area. The extracted follicles are then stored in a solution to preserve their viability.
  • Implanting the hair follicles: The surgeon will make tiny slits in the recipient area, which is the area where your new hairline will be. The slits are made according to the direction and angle of your natural hair growth to ensure seamless integration of the transplanted hair. The surgeon will then insert the hair follicles into the slits, one by one, using a unique tool called a forceps. The implanted follicles will form the new hairline and fill any gaps or irregularities.

What are the Benefits of Hairline Lowering Transplants?

Hairline-lowering transplants have many advantages over other methods of forehead reduction, such as the surgical method (FHR), which involves cutting a strip of skin from the forehead and pulling the scalp forward. Some of the benefits of hairline-lowering transplants are:

  • Natural-looking resultsHairline-lowering transplants can create a natural-looking hairline that matches your facial features and hair characteristics. The transplanted hair will grow and blend with your existing hair, making it virtually undetectable. The result is a more balanced and proportionate facial profile that enhances your beauty and confidence.
  • Minimal scarring and painHairline-lowering transplants do not leave a linear scar on your forehead, as the surgical method does. Instead, they leave tiny dot-like scars easily concealed by your hair. The hairline-lowering transplant procedure is less invasive and painful than the surgical method, as it does not involve cutting or stitching the forehead. The recovery time is faster and more comfortable, as you can resume your normal activities within a few days.
  • More flexibility and customizationHairline-lowering transplants can be tailored to your individual needs and preferences, as you can choose the position, shape, and density of your new hairline. You can also adjust the hairline in the future if you want to change your look or address any further hair loss. Hairline-lowering transplants can also be combined with other hair restoration procedures, such as follicular unit hair transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE), to achieve more comprehensive and optimal results.


Hairline-lowering transplants are an excellent option for anyone who wants to reduce their forehead size and improve their facial harmony. They can give natural-looking and long-lasting results with minimal scarring and pain. If you wish to have hairline-lowering transplants, contact BHHR in Palm Desert, a leading clinic specializing in hair restoration surgery. They have a team of highly qualified and experienced surgeons who can help you achieve the hairline of your dreams.


FAQs about Hairline Lowering Transplants

  • Who is a good candidate for hairline-lowering transplants? Anyone unhappy with their large forehead or high hairline can benefit from hairline-lowering transplants as long as they have enough donor hair and a healthy scalp. The procedure is suitable for both men and women and for different types and stages of hair loss.
  • How much do hairline-lowering transplants cost? The cost of hairline-lowering transplants depends on various factors, such as the number of grafts, the surgeon’s experience, the clinic's location, and the service quality. The average cost of hairline-lowering transplants in the US ranges from $4,000 to $10,000, but it may vary depending on your case. You should consult your surgeon to get an accurate estimate of the cost and the financing options available.
  • How long does it take to see the results of hairline-lowering transplants? The results of hairline-lowering transplants are not immediate, as the transplanted hair will go through a shedding and growth cycle. You may notice some shedding of the transplanted hair within the first few weeks, which is typical and expected. The new hair will start to grow after 3 to 4 months, and you will see the full results of your hairline-lowering transplants after 9 to 12 months.
  • Are there any risks or complications associated with hairline-lowering transplants? Hairline-lowering transplants are a safe and effective procedure, but like any surgery, they carry some risks and potential complications. These include infection, bleeding, swelling, bruising, numbness, scarring, poor growth, unnatural appearance, and dissatisfaction with the results. However, these risks and complications are rare and can be minimized by choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon, following the pre-operative and post-operative instructions, and having realistic expectations.
  • How do you choose the best surgeon for hairline-lowering transplants? The success and satisfaction of your hairline-lowering transplants depend primarily on the skill and expertise of your surgeon. Therefore, you should research and choose a board-certified surgeon with extensive experience and training in hairline lowering transplants, a good reputation and reviews, and can show you before and after photos of their previous patients. You should also feel comfortable and confident with your surgeon and be able to communicate your goals and concerns.
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