What are the Signs of a Black Widow Spider Infestation?

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Black widows are really good at hiding away from everyone. They want to be able to catch their prey, which could be some of the other pests in the area, and they want to make sure that no one is going to come after their eggs. You will often find their webs close to the ground in a dark and dry space, like a crawl space or in the basement of the property. Unless you are provoking the black widow, it is possible that they can stay in the property for some time and you will not even notice.


As a business owner, you may need to be very proactive in order to see some of the signs of the black widow. Don’t assume that just because they aren’t right out in the open does not mean you do not have an infestation. You need to go down into the basement and other dark places both inside and outside of the property to figure out if the spider is there and going to cause you some problems along the way.


So, what are some of the signs of a spider infestation? A good place to start is to look for some of the webs of the spider that are near the property. For this type of spider, you are going to need to look closer to the ground. The black widow is not going to put them way up high like some of the other ones. You will also notice that the webs of the black widow will not be as pretty as the other spiders’ and they can often be irregular and messy as well.


You may also notice a silken sac. This is going to hold the eggs of the spider and they can be in the doorways in the basement or a garage. This is another sign that you have an infestation and you may need to call in the professionals to take a look and give you solutions to remove the spiders as soon as possible.


If you have a big infestation of black widow spiders or other types of pests, then it may be a good idea to look into fumigations in Tucson to see if they are right for your needs. These fumigations can get rid of a big infestation quickly and gets your business back up and running smoothly. Our team is here to help with all of your pest infestation needs. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!



