How to Prevent Squirrels from Getting into Your Home this Winter

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When you think about pests, what instantly comes to mind are rats, birds, bedbugs, and cockroaches. However, squirrels can also find their way into your home and once they achieve that, they become pests.

Although squirrels invade homes all year round, most of the cases are especially reported in the winter months. Squirrels tend to nest in different areas of the home during the cold months because they need warm spaces to thrive.

If you’ve had a squirrel problem in your home and you want to prevent it from recurring, you can try measures like searching for companies that offer fumigations in Marysville explore the tips listed below.

Take Care of Your Garden

Yes, your garden isn’t inside the four walls of your home. Nevertheless, the best way to prevent an occurrence from happening is to get rid of everything that encourages the situation.

It makes sense; if there are a high number of squirrels in your garden, there’s a higher probability for them to find their way into your home.

The first thing you need to do is trim tree branches that extend to your roof area. Squirrels can leap off these branches to get into your home. The average squirrel can jump as far back as 10 ft. Hence, you need to cut these tree branches a little bit more to be at least 15 feet away from your home.

If you have thick ivy near your building, you also need to get rid of them.

Get Rid of Food Items

Just like humans, animals like to nest in areas that provide them with convenience. If there’s food lying around, you’ll tend to find a lot of squirrels in that specific area.

If your trash can is always filled with food items and is not covered properly, it could also invite these pests to explore areas beyond your fence and into your home.

To prevent squirrels from nesting around the trash can, you need to properly cover the bin.

Secure the Entry Points to Your Home

Even though you have a low population of squirrels due to the measures you’ve taken in your garden, a few could still try to slip into your home.

To begin, you have to find all possible entry points into your home and seal them. Some individuals use tender materials like foam. However, these things never help to keep squirrels out since these animals have a strong bite force. You need to use metal plates or mesh to effectively stop them from getting in.



