Understanding the Seasonal Pest Patterns For Effective Pest Control in Delhi

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We all love the weather and season patterns of Delhi, as it is very organized and beautiful.

We all love the weather and season patterns of Delhi, as it is very organized and beautiful. But, today we are going to talk about something that comes with every season - THE PESTS. Whether it's the irritating mosquitoes in summers with their buzzing sounds or those tiny musketeer rodents in the winter, dealing with different pests in different seasons is a challenging part here. 


Today, we will learn how the different pests behave in different seasons so that you can conduct effective pest control in Delhi.


The Seasonal Pest Patterns And Tips For Effective Pest Control -


1. Summer Season (March to June)


  • The Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes love to buzz around and irritate living organisms by sucking their blood when the climate is hot and humid during March to June in Delhi. The best tip to get rid of them is to get rid of the standing water in your cooler or in your vision to stop them from breeding.


2. Monsoon Season (July to September)


  • The Mosquitoes Again - Rainy days means more standing water and more standing water means more breeding of the mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent (ODOMOS), nets, and do not forget to get rid of the still water around your house.


  • The Termites - Just like the mosquitoes, the wet weather also attracts the tiny destroyers - The Termites.  The best way to deal with them is to constantly check for any signs or damage in your wooden items and if you spot them call the pest control ASAP!


3. Post Monsoon and Winter Season (October to February)


  • The Cockroaches - Keep your kitchen and bathroom clean, and use sprays or baits if you spot them.


  • The Rodents - As the monsoon passes and it gets a little bit cold out, the rodents sneak into your house for shelter. Seal the doors, windows and their possible entry spots.


  • The Bed Bugs - The most irritating tiny blood sucking creatures that destroy our peaceful sleep. If you want to get rid of them then put your mattress, sofa cover, bedsheet, etc. in sunlight and call the experts.



Understanding these seasonal pests patterns can help you to be effective in pest control in Noida and also helps you in preventing their population around your house.

