Determining How Long You Want to Stay in the Apartment and Sign a Lease

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Before a landlord is going to allow you to move into one of their apartments, they will ask that you sit down and sign a lease with them. This is a legal document that you need to pay close attention to and fully understand before you decide to sign it. It is easy to just assume you know what is in it and then sign, but that can land you in some trouble later on. The lease lists out all of the rules and obligations that both you and the landlord need to remember and follow while you live in the apartment, so  make sure that you read through it and completely understand what it says.


A lease agreement is sometimes tricky to work on, especially if you have a lifestyle or a job that needs some freedom to pick up and move. Finding a lease that is less than a year is sometimes hard because many landlords like that stability of knowing how long the tenant is going to stick around. Most apartments are going to look at a long-term lease of a year or more to stabilize their income. This can protect the tenant as well, giving them a stable home for a year or more and stable rent, but it does not provide any flexibility if you need that.


However, you could look at something like a month to month lease if you need to have some options and some flexibility. Some landlords are fine with offering this and it allows both you as the tenant and the landlord to stop the lease and end it whenever they would like. You may also have to pay more to get this kind of lease done, but it does allow for some more flexibility if you are worried about needing to pick up and leave before the year is up.


No matter the type of apartment you are looking into when it is time to find a good home, come check out our available  apartments in downtown San Francisco. These apartments are going to provide you with the space, the great amenities, and all  perfect location that you would want in a new home. We are confident that these apartments are going to meet all of your needs and you will want to move in as soon as possible. When you are ready to make one of our units your home, contact a member of our staff to take a tour and to learn more today!
