How to Prepare for an Asbestos Demolition Survey

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Follow this guide to learn how to prepare for an asbestos demolition survey.


Preparing for an asbestos demolition survey is essential to ensure a smooth and thorough assessment of a building's asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) before demolition. Adequate preparation helps streamline the survey process, minimize disruptions, and ensure the safety of surveyors and occupants. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for an asbestos demolition survey and highlights the expertise of Consultex Environmental in conducting such surveys in New Zealand.

Understand the Purpose of the Survey

Before preparing for an asbestos demolition survey, it's essential to understand its purpose. The primary objectives of the survey include:

  • Identifying ACMs: Locating and identifying materials that contain asbestos within the building.
  • Assessing Risks: Evaluating the condition and potential risk associated with the identified ACMs.
  • Developing Management Plans: Formulating strategies to manage or remove ACMs safely before demolition.

Notify Occupants and Stakeholders

Informing occupants and stakeholders about the upcoming asbestos demolition survey is crucial to ensure cooperation and minimize disruptions. Notify:

  • Building Occupants: Inform residents, tenants, and employees about the survey schedule and any precautions they need to take.
  • Building Owners and Managers: Coordinate with building owners or managers to facilitate access to all areas of the building for surveyors.
  • Local Authorities: Notify relevant local authorities or regulatory agencies about the survey as required by regulations.

Provide Access to Building Documentation

Gather and provide access to any documentation related to the building's construction history, previous asbestos surveys, renovation or maintenance records, and architectural drawings. This information helps surveyors:

  • Understand Building Layout: Reviewing architectural drawings helps surveyors understand the building's layout and identify potential ACM locations.
  • Review Previous Surveys: Examining previous asbestos survey reports helps identify areas that may have been previously identified as containing asbestos.

Ensure Safe Access to All Areas

Surveyors need safe and unimpeded access to all areas of the building to conduct a thorough assessment. Ensure:

  • Clear Pathways: Clear pathways and remove any obstacles that may impede surveyors' access to different areas of the building.
  • Key Access: Provide surveyors with keys or access codes to locked areas, including mechanical rooms, attics, and crawl spaces.

Minimize Disturbances During the Survey

To ensure accurate survey results, minimize disturbances during the survey process. Take the following steps to minimize disruptions:

  • Schedule Survey During Off-Peak Hours: If possible, schedule the survey during off-peak hours to minimize disruptions to building occupants and activities.
  • Coordinate with Building Occupants: Coordinate with building occupants to schedule the survey at times that are least disruptive to their daily activities.

Consultex Environmental: Experienced Asbestos Surveyors in New Zealand

Consultex Environmental is a leading provider of asbestos and hazardous material testing services in New Zealand. With branches across the country, Consultex Environmental offers comprehensive asbestos demolition survey services conducted by experienced and highly skilled surveyors.

Expertise of Consultex Environmental

  • Experienced Surveyors: Consultex Environmental's team consists of experienced and certified surveyors with extensive knowledge of asbestos-containing materials and demolition survey procedures.
  • Comprehensive Services: From initial site inspections to detailed reporting, Consultex Environmental offers comprehensive asbestos demolition survey services tailored to clients' specific needs.
  • Commitment to Safety: Safety is a top priority for Consultex Environmental, and their surveyors adhere to strict safety protocols to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure during surveys.


Preparing for an asbestos demolition survey is essential to ensure a thorough and efficient assessment of ACMs before demolition. By understanding the purpose of the survey, notifying occupants and stakeholders, providing access to building documentation, ensuring safe access to all areas, and minimizing disturbances during the survey, property owners and managers can facilitate a successful survey process. Consultex Environmental offers expert asbestos demolition survey services in New Zealand, providing the expertise and resources needed to ensure compliance with regulations and the safety of all involved parties.
