7 Things To Keep Your Cats Entertained In Your Apartment

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Keeping your cats entertained in your apartments near culver city is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Cats are naturally curious and playful animals, and providing them with stimulating environments can prevent boredom and reduce unwanted behaviors like scratching furniture or excessive meowing. Here are some ideas to help you add things to your apartment to keep your cats entertained and happy:

1.   Cat Trees and Scratching Posts

Cat trees and scratching posts are essential items for indoor cats. These provide opportunities for climbing, scratching, and perching, which are natural behaviors for cats. Place cat trees and scratching posts in various locations throughout your apartment, including near windows or in high-traffic areas, to encourage your cats to use them regularly.

2.   Interactive Toys

Interactive toys are great for keeping cats entertained and engaged, especially when you're not home. Toys like laser pointers, feather wands, and puzzle feeders can provide mental stimulation and exercise for your cats. Rotate toys regularly to keep things interesting and prevent boredom.

3.   Window Perches

Cats love to watch the world go by from a high vantage point. Install window perches or shelves near windows to provide your cats with a comfortable spot to birdwatch or sunbathe. You can also place bird feeders or bird baths outside your windows to attract wildlife for your cats to observe.

4.   Hideaways and Cubbies

Cats enjoy having cozy spaces where they can retreat and relax. Provide hideaways and cubbies in your apartment by placing cat beds, blankets, or cardboard boxes in quiet corners or under furniture. These safe spaces give your cats a sense of security and privacy.

5.   Cat Grass and Indoor Plants

Indoor cats may miss out on the opportunity to graze on grass and vegetation. Planting cat grass or providing indoor plants like catnip, catmint, or spider plants can satisfy your cat's natural urge to chew and explore greenery. Just make sure the plants are safe for cats and placed out of reach to prevent accidental ingestion.

6.   Rotating Toys and Activities

Keep your cats entertained by introducing new toys and activities regularly. Rotate toys in and out of play to maintain your cat's interest and prevent boredom. You can also create DIY toys and activities using household items like cardboard boxes, paper bags, and empty toilet paper rolls.

7.   Playtime with You

Finally, don't forget to spend quality time playing with your cats each day. Interactive play sessions with toys like feather wands or laser pointers allow you to bond with your cats while providing them with much-needed exercise and mental stimulation.

