How to Be a Good Tenant When You Have a Pet

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There are a number of steps that you can take to make sure you are a good tenant when you bring your pet along with you. Just because the landlord allows pets to move in with you doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want. You still need to be respectful of the rules and not bother the other people who are living there. When you are a good tenant and a good neighbor, you do not have to worry about an eviction and you will be able to get that security deposit back. Some of the steps that you can follow to be a good renter with your pet includes:


# Keep up on all the upkeep: This means that you need to make sur that your pet is up to date on their tags, licenses, and vaccines before you move in. You may need to find a new vet right away if you are moving to a new area. Even if you don’t think your pet will interact much with other dogs or cats, you still need to keep up to date on this to avoid some problems.

# Give your pet lots of attention and exercise: When your pet has a lot of pent-up energy inside that they can’t release, it can cause some problems and that is where you can make the neighbors and the landlord upset. You need to get your pet out in the morning and the evening to work out and feel amazing. This can help them feel happier in the apartment too.

# Keep the dog on a leash outside: You may have the most well-trained dog in the world, but keep them on a leash when. You are outside. This is just a polite thing to do to help your neighbors feel better about the pet being around.

# Always clean up after your pet: Nothing can cause issues with the neighbors more than finding a mess from your pet all around. If you take the dog outside, then take the time to clean up after them so there is never a mess left behind.


Whether you are looking to move into an apartment that allows pets or not, you need to come check out some of our new apartments in Los Feliz. These have all of the best amenities that you have looked for in your new home, plus a ton of space, the ideal location, and features that you will want to write home about. We encourage you to come take a look around and ask any questions that you may have before moving in!
