Residential Vs. Commercial Pest Control?

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Finding commercial pest control in San Luis Obispo is a very important task that all business owners need to do. If you want to successfully run a company, you have to be sure that every aspect of your facility is clean and free of pests.


We live in a wonderful part of the country that is beautiful in some truly unique and special ways. But, sadly, we are home to rats, bugs, and all sorts of little critters who want nothing more than to climb into your business and make it their home.


There are many things that commercial pest control brings to your business. Yet, some people are familiar with the differences between regular, residential pest control and the commercial variety. Therefore, all business owners must understand all that it offers.


Scale: Residential pest management is usually limited to a family’s homes, apartments, or condos. Meanwhile, commercial pest control includes much larger buildings such as offices, restaurants, hotels, warehouses, retail stores, and healthcare institutions.


Commercial properties often have larger square footage and more complicated layouts, which require specific treatment methods and also have different standards.


Regulations: Speaking of standards, commercial buildings have to follow specialized pest control standards and procedures, especially in areas such as food service, hospitality, healthcare, and manufacturing.


Compliance with certain health laws, sanitation regulations, and other rules special to their types of industries is critical for companies to avoid all pest issues and continue operating like normal.


Methods: While many residential pest control methods can be changed for commercial usage, commercial locations usually need a more comprehensive and specialized treatment due to the size of infestations, different types of pests, and certain laws and rules.


At this level, commercial pest control prioritizes prevention, monitoring, and also environmentally-friendly ways to fight pests. This usually requires multiple steps, done frequently.


Frequency: Unlike homes, commercial businesses need more regular pest control treatments, especially in certain industries like food service and hospitality.


That means that weekly, monthly, or quarterly inspections, monitoring, and preventative treatments are needed to ensure long-term pest control and compliance with local laws and food handling regulations.


Reporting: Commercial pest control companies are often required to keep extensive and details records of their observations, their treatment operations, any pesticide applications, and more.


They have to hold onto certain documents that may be used for inspections from local agencies, auditing, and more. This simply isn’t done with residential locations.


Although residential and commercial pest management have similar concepts and ideas at their core, commercial pest control has many different types of regulatory compliances, treatment methods, service frequency, paperwork requirements, and more.


Working with a trusted, well-regarded commercial pest control company can assist all businesses, no matter their size, with maintaining a pest-free workplace, sticking to local laws, and protecting their reputation and profits.
