What Isn’t Covered Under General Liability Insurance?

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If you plan to start a business, then it makes a lot of sense for you to take the time to get the right insurance coverage. General liability insurance is one of the best decisions because it is going to provide you with some extra protection if something does go wrong when you run your business. if a customer slips and falls on your property or you are working at a customer’s home and you break something, the policy will be able to step in and cover some of that for you.


However, it is important to realize that your general liability policy is not going to be there to cover absolutely everything that may happen in your business and you may need some other types of insurance to help with that. Some of the things that a general liability insurance policy is not going to cover include:


# Illnesses or work-related injuries: If you have an employee that gets ill or is hurt when doing their job, then you will need to provide some coverage to them for this. In the most part, you need to go with a workers’ compensation insurance policy to pay for the ongoing care costs and medical expenses for that employee.

# Damage to your business property: In this case, you will want to have a good commercial property insurance policy in place to help out.

# Mistakes in the professional services that you offer: This is one that will require you to have professional liability insurance. This way, when you do make a mistake, and this can happen on occasion, you can get some protection and not lose your business in the process.


If you are worried about some of the issues above, then it is important to discuss that with your insurance provider and see what they would recommend. They can do an analysis of your business and determine the right kind of coverage for you and the right costs so that it makes financial sense for what you need.


When you are interested in getting a general liability insurance policy or some other type of insurance for your small business, you need to find the right Hawaii insurance company to meet all of your needs. Our team will be able to discuss your business and some of your needs to make sure that you get the coverage that you deserve. No matter how big or small your business is at the time, we are here to answer your questions and make sure that you are not going to be lacking in the insurance that you need. Trust us for all of your small business insurance needs.

